
Supporting Urdu as an LCTL in the U.S.

The Initiative for Multilingual Studies is conducting a three-year research study to investigate the relationship between written and oral proficiency in Urdu and English, on the one hand, and students’ academic achievement in a dual language immersion (DLI) program, on the other. The study creates new measures for a variety of outcomes in both the less commonly taught language (LCTL) and English and for kindergarten through Grade 5. The study is funded by the International Research and Studies, Department of Education.

Teachers of Arabic in the U.S.

The Initiative for Multilingual Studies is investigating the professional identities of K-12 Arabic language teachers in the U.S. and their critical language awareness of Arabic as a global language with many varieties. The study is funded by the Qatar Foundation International . It began in January 2022 and ended in July 2023.

The Initiative for Multilingual Studies

North-South Multilingualisms

The Initiative for Multilingual Studies is funded through a 2019 – 2022 INTPART grant from the Research Council of Norway with MultiLing in Norway and four universities in South Africa and are designing and participating in a three-year series of events with top multilingualism scholars across the three continents committed to supporting research into global multilingualism.