Global Humanities Faculty Seminars Closing Event

Posted in Announcements Events

On September 28, 2023, Dr. Diya Abdo, University Professor and Founder and Director of “Every Campus a Refuge”, Radmila Popovic, Senior Educator and Advisor at World Learning, Allison Kokkoros, CEO of Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, Timor Karimy, Founder and President, and Zahra Yagana, Director of Community Development of the Bamyan Foundation participated in a panel discussion on “Universities as Pathways to Global Inclusion and Forced Migration: Responses from the Humanities”. The experts provided their unique perspectives and shared their experiences hosting and providing educational services to newcomers and refugees in the United States, with specific discussion about expanding access to higher education for refugee and newcomer populations.

This event was the closing event of the seminar series “Understanding and Including Forced Migrants and Refugees: Responses from the Humanities” sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Global Engagement, Georgetown Humanities Initiative, and the IMS at Georgetown University.

From left to right: Nicoletta Pireddu, Diya Abdo, Radmilla Popovic, Allison Kokkoros, Timor Karimy, Zahra Yagana