September 18th, 2019, 2:10-4:30 pm, Poulton 230
Student Presentation Dry-run for the 2019 Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) at Michigan State University
- Ayşenur Sağdıç & Şeyma Toker: Expectations versus Reality: Narrative Positioning and Agency in L2 Learning
- Jie (Stone) Qin: Pre-Task Planning and Discourse Cohesion: Analysis of Chinese EFL Learners’ Referential Use in Oral Narratives
- Linxi Zhang: ¿Pol lo o Bol lo?: The Production of Stop Consonants by Chinese Learners of L3 Spanish
- Xue Ma: Framing and Footing in Understanding Mandarin Tone Feedback in Classroom Interactions
September 10th, 2019, 5:00-6:30 pm, White Gravenor 206
Mario Lopez-Gopar, Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca, Lessons from Teachers & Children in Urban Centers in North America
May 1st, 2019, 10:00 am-3:15 pm, Poulton 255, Poulton 230, ICC 202
Student Presentation Dry-run for the Annual American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference & Annual TESOL Convention, Atlanta 2019, cosponsored with the Critical Applied Linguistics Group in the Linguistics Department.
- Aysenur Sagdic: Use it laughingly: Multilingual learners’ pragmatic and metapragmatic knowledge of Turkish formulaic expressions.
- Minh Nguyen: Speaking like a real queen: Heritage language ideologies, metasociolinguistic stance taking, and ethnic identity in a Vietnamese American beauty pageant.
- Jason D’Angelo: Multilingual trans identity construction: “It’s a right I have to use language from my own perspective.”
- Mark Visona: Real news President Trump doesn’t want you to miss”: A systemic functional analysis of news items in emails from info@mail.whitehouse.gov .
- Yu-Tzu Chang: Effects of semantics and syntax on Chinese and Spanish native speakers’ Chinese sentence comprehension.
- Amy Kim, Margaret Malone, & Yiran Xu: Long-term impact of a hybrid professional development program on FL instructors’ understanding of oral proficiency assessment.
- Yiran Xu: Integrating structural and functional approaches to second language writing complexity: A study of L2 English expository writing.
- Francesca Venezia & Nicholas Subtirelu: School Administrators as Language Policy Arbiters of the Seal of Biliteracy.
- Seyma Toker: Translanguaging as a pedagogical approach with Syrian refugee learners in Turkey: Lessons learned from a collaborative inquiry.
- Margaret Borowczyk: Credentialing heritage: The role of community heritage language schools in implementing the Seal of Biliteracy.
March 26th, 2019, 4:00-5:30 pm, ICC 450
Teaching Cognate L3 Languages at Georgetown University
- Giuseppe Tosi: Assistant Teaching Professor at the Department of Italian
- Farima S. Mostowfi: Associate Teaching Professor and Director of the Persian Language and Culture Program at the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Leah Adelson & Meagan Driver: doctoral students and instructors at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese
- Michael Ferreira: Associate Professor at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese
- Will Travers: doctoral student and instructor at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese
- Amanda Ulldemolins: Catalan Lecturer at Institut Ramon Llull at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese
- Patricia Balestra: Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of French and Francophone Studies
February 25th, 2019, 4:30-6:00 pm, ICC 462
Jasone Cenoz & Durk Gorter, University of the Basque Country, Learning three languages through pedagogical translanguaging, cosponsored with the Department of Spanish and Portuguese & the Department of Linguistics..
February 21st, 2019, 4:00-5:30 pm, Poulton 230
Julie Sykes, University of Oregon, Extending our understanding of pragmatic competence in multilinguals: Applying a multidimensional, dynamic model to digital and non-digital contexts, cosponsored by GU’s Assessment and Evaluation Language Resource Center.
January 17th, 2019, 4:00-6:00 pm, Walsh 490
Nicholas Subtirelu, Georgetown University, Mixed Methods Research.