October 24th 2018, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Poulton 255
Student Presentation Dry-run for the 37th Second Language Research Forum, Montréal 2018.
- Maddie Oakley: Ultrasound tongue imaging and L2 acquisition of the French /y/-/u/ contrast.
- Yuhang Hu & Luke Plonsky: Statistical assumptions in L2 research: a systematic review.
- Aysenur Sagdic: A Research Synthesis of the Effects of Study Abroad on L2 Pragmatic Development.
- Will Travers: Predictors of success among bilinguals in the L3 classroom.
- Fatima Montero (University of Maryland): Effects of task complexity and task closure on the speech of L2 learners of Spanish.
September 25th, 2018, 3:00-4:00 pm, Poulton 230
Breana Downey, GU’s Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience, & Meagan Driver, GU’s Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Current Trends in Multilingualism Research: A Report from the Harmonious Bilingualism Network (HaBilNet1) Conference in Belgium.
November 5th, 2018, 5:00-6:00 pm, ICC 234
Stories of struggle and hope by high school dreamers: Learning about multilingualism and social justice by a delegation of Dreamers from Arlington Community High School
Led by Ann Kennedy, Director of the Dream Project mentoring program, & Patricia Sanguinetti, Mentoring Coordinator, cosponsored by GU’s Undocumented Student Services & GU’s Program in Education, Inquiry and Justice.
March 9 -11, 2018
Georgetown University Round Table (GURT): Approaches to Discourse
GURT 2018 will bring together leading researchers from around the world and from various disciplines to take stock of current research and foster communication across approaches to discourse. In keeping with the spirit of diversity, we welcome abstracts for individual papers, posters, and colloquia that engage with the field’s various topical and theoretical foci, types and sources of data, methodological questions, and practical applications.